Orgasm: from the top to the bottom

why does masturbating make you tired

Masturbation is a common form of sexual self-pleasure that can bring pleasure and relaxation, but it can sometimes lead to feelings of tiredness. Why is that? We will professionally analyze this phenomenon from both physiological and psychological perspectives.

why does masturbating make you tired
why does masturbating make you tired

Physiological Aspects

Firstly, masturbation triggers the release of various hormones and neurotransmitters in the body. During orgasm, levels of endorphins, which are opiate-like substances, rise. They can induce a sense of pleasure and relaxation. Endorphins also have a sedative effect, which can lead to feelings of fatigue and the need to rest.

Secondly, the physical exertion involved in masturbation is another cause of tiredness. Sexual arousal leads to heightened activity in the nervous system, increasing the body’s metabolic rate, heart rate, and blood pressure. These physiological changes consume energy. After orgasm, as the body returns to a calm state, the accumulated fatigue may become apparent.

Psychological Aspects

The tiredness felt after masturbation may be related to psychological relaxation. Sexual repression and tension are released during self-pleasure, lightening the psychological burden. This mental relaxation can sometimes translate into physical tiredness.

why does masturbating make you tired
why does masturbating make you tired

Additionally, the environment and personal habits of masturbation can influence the feeling of tiredness. Masturbation in a quiet and comfortable setting may lead to greater relaxation and tiredness afterward. Conversely, engaging in masturbation while feeling anxious or stressed may have the opposite effect.

Feeling tired after masturbation is a normal physiological and psychological response. If excessive tiredness after masturbation affects daily life, it may be necessary to adjust the frequency and intensity of masturbation to a healthy and balanced range, maintain good Living habits, and ensure adequate rest. If fatigue persists or is accompanied by other discomfort, it is recommended to seek advice from a medical professional.

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